
Hello! I’m Megan, I live in the West-Sussex countryside with my husband Joseph, and my two, soon to be three babies! Hephzibah (5) and Moses (3). We run a business called HOLOS selling Kombucha which employs survivors of human trafficking and you can find us huddled round a box of lego, kneading bread or mixing mud pies.

I had a wake-up call a few years back before giving birth to my first daughter Heppy.

Sat one night with Joseph watching ‘The True Cost’ documentary, tears fell down my face as I vowed to break up with high street fashion on hearing the harrowing realities of those who were not paid fairly in the industry and the responsibility I had in choosing where to vote with my money.

This led me on a wild journey, opening up a can of worms where I started looking into what other areas of my life, out of habit, I had turned a blind eye to and needed addressing.

Where could I consume more consciously? Not just in the clothes I was buying, but how could I feed my mind with good things and love and be kind to the earth God has gifted us by making more sustainable choices? More than that though how could I commit to doing the best with what was in front of me, in my home, in the way I love my husband and talk to my kids, believing it then would spill naturally and expand to the lives beyond, but knowing that it always starts in the home, the little Eden I’ve been placed in charge of for now.

So this blog is my journey of discovery. The highs and lows and some of what we’re learning along the way! Glad you can join me.

Phillippians 4:8:

“If anything is excellent and if anything is admirable, focus your thoughts on these things: all that is true, all that is holy, all that is just, all that is pure, all that is lovely, and all that is worthy of praise.”