Birth Story Megan Landreth-Smith Birth Story Megan Landreth-Smith

Lazarus Shepherd- Birth Story

If you’ve followed me a while, you probably will be aware of my other two birth stories. Both unique- you can read them here and here, but both ended in retained membranes/placenta and a significant blood loss. Moses’ birth was also during covid which obviously meant things looked completely different to how they were intended to. I had birth trauma resoultion after each birth with the wonderful Tracy- I cannot recommend her enough.

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Motherhood Megan Landreth-Smith Motherhood Megan Landreth-Smith

Moses Archippus: Birth Story

On the 7th September at 6.51am we welcomed sweet little Moses Archippus into the world. How you even capture a birth story in writing I don’t know but I’d love you to join me as I try. Ps. You can read Hephzibah’s birth story over here.

I started contracting at 2.30am on the Tuesday morning, 5 days past our due date. I’d experienced a ton of braxton hicks in this pregnancy, something that I believe is more common with multiple pregnancies, so when I started contracting that morning it was hard to know if I truly was in labour. The contractions were coming every 6 minutes, so I began to track them with an app, but then there would be a pause and I wouldn’t contract for 10 minutes then they’d come every 4 minutes then I’d have a contraction 20 minutes later?! While they were irregular, the contractions were intense enough to need to focus and breathe through them so Joseph took the day off so he could be with me whilst Heppy was taken care of by my hero of a mum-in-law.

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Motherhood Megan Landreth-Smith Motherhood Megan Landreth-Smith

Hephzibah Mercy- A birth story

On the 28th of April, a week before Hephzibah’s due date, at around 3/4am in the morning, I remember getting up multiple times to go to the toilet in a little bit of discomfort. It hadn’t really crossed my mind that I was in labour as I had no idea what contractions should, or would feel like, and at the time I thought they were probably just braxton hicks.

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