Abba's Child
john piper
Your Daddy is standing in a swimming pool, a little bit out from the edge. You are, let’s say, three years old and standing on the edge of the pool. Your Daddy holds out his arms to you and says, “Jump, I’l catch you. I promise. Now, how do you make your daddy look good in that moment? Answer, trust him and jump.
I never knew Father God as a Father. I saw Him as a distant entity placing a straw into my situations and sucking out the fun whilst looking at me with a disappointed look on His face. I was so wrong. And while it’s been the past few years where I’ve been learning that, it’s only been the past few weeks I’ve really known that, as His promises have become reality to me. See without personal revelation of these promises, I’m carrying around second hand news. I may ‘know’ my dad will catch me as a jump into the pool, but to actually jump in and see Him do it, that’s something different. I need to back my claims with action. For trust is not something that can be learned, it's a bi-product of relationship.
And I feel His delight, and Him pushing me ever closer as I learn to trust Him more. And reading John Piper’s words, sum up my heart perfectly. I don’t long to trust to feel comfortable, I long to trust to give him the honour. To echo with my life, the cry that says ‘Dad, I know you’ve got me’, with more assurance each and every time. And it’s been in these moments these past few weeks, that I cry back to Him in thanks when I see His father’s heart of protection and provision that I say, why would I ever for a second think you wouldn’t provide.
He doesn’t need my honour, but He more than deserves it.
His promises are reality. There is no cheap promise, there is no but, and there is no exception.They are promises to build our lives upon. If we truly understand the goodness of His heart, I believe a lot of us wouldn’t be doing what we are currently doing. I know that’s the case in my own life. I long for more of that knowledge so I can give Him even more, ‘risk’ even more. If he feeds the birds, he will feed us too. if a father gives good gifts to his children, how much more will he give to us.
When I rest on His promises, and declare who He is, fire falls on the sacrifice. He sees us, each one, and is asking us to jump into His arms of protection. In a crowd of ten thousand He is looking after me, and doing everything He can for me. May I, may you never forget that.