Forest School Kit List
Hello! If you’d seen my latest post on why we chose forest school I mentioned i’d write a follow up kit list post! Here it is! Please note, this kit list is what has worked for us but it very much depends on the setting you find yourself in, and how likely your child is to roll around in the mud (daily). As I said, one of the biggest hurdles in attending a forest school can be the initial outgoings to gather everything together but, while merino wool is probably the best for a base layer it’s not the only option, there’s probably some great ones already in your kids drawers!
Starting school sustainably- 5 hacks.
I can’t quite believe it, but September is fast approaching which for us means my daughter is starting forest school (ARGH). Alongside me, parents and carers across the country are handed kit lists, school supply lists and are probably googling something along the lines of ‘what do I really need for nursery?’…
How we potty trained + ethical kids underwear
Back in mid- April just before Hephzibah’s second birthday it suddenly crossed my mind that lockdown was the perfect place to potty train.
Hephzibah had shown zero signs that she was ready to potty train. She hated having her nappy changed, seemed unaware of when she needed a poo or wee and would have happily hung out in a diaper with either of those in all day!