Home Education Megan Landreth-Smith Home Education Megan Landreth-Smith

The Home Education Tracker

Ad | A few months ago, I was approached by the wonderful Claire, the designer and creator of the Home Education Tracker. She asked if I would be interested in exploring the platform and writing a review.

We've been homeschooling for just over three years, so I suppose you could call me a seasoned pro—just kidding! Most days, I feel like I’m completely winging it, and maybe that’s how it will always be. Our days are filled with bowls of porridge and colouring, digging worms out of the mud, navigating curriculums (and sometimes ditching them), unused sandpaper letters, and tiny hands clutching precious trinkets. There are curious questions from strangers and endless discoveries—not just about the patterns and rhythms of my children, but about myself as well.

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