5 Homeschooling Myths
I guess I’m a homeschooling mum?! Three years in I think I can say we’re really doing it! It’s funny how many people have got things to say. Lots of fun opinions, thoughts and beliefs that people make sure you know. I have no problem with the conversation opening up, I just thought it would be fun to de-bunk some myths, or some of the most common assumptions I’ve heard. Let’s go.
Our Favourite Read-Alouds For 4-6's
One of the things I have wanted to keep constant throughout our home education journey was reading aloud to the kids from a storybook, always having one on the go. This could be read before going to bed or over a cup of tea during the daytime.
Six things I learnt in our first year of Home-Ed
I’d always dreamed of homeschooling my kids but, like with anything in parenting, I dreamed a lot of things and realised when you get there, even with great intentions plans change, and so I kept my mind open. I remember being in a local library and seeing a sign saying that the sign-up for school for Heppy’s intake had passed, and I felt such peace.