Our breastfeeding journey
I’d NEVER even considered it wouldn’t be an option to breast feed. I skipped the free breast feeding classes, and, wanting a breast reduction all throughout my upper school years to lighten the load, didn’t go any further with it only because there was a possibility that the operation could have meant I wouldn’t be able to breastfeed.
Exclusively pumping my journey and some tips
I remember sat on the floor of our bedroom crying, confused how I would ever make pumping work whilst also dealing with this deep grief I felt at the reality that it was seeming less and less likely that she would begin to breastfeed from me again however much I was believing she would.
Response in Crisis. What are you sowing?
We don’t need political answers or opinions. We need to displace what seems to be taking dominion, sowing love instead of hatred, and peace instead of confusion. For what you sow YOU will reap, and I want to reap a harvest of plenty, love, peace, joy and healing.
To the womb
So often though, we as children flounder and falter away from the place where our safety and security is truly found. We attempt to build our own protection, lying beneath man made coverings, fighting self-evoked wars and retreating back inside our ever increasing walls of fortress.
a new way of thinking
The truth is, if you put God in a box He’s not gonna be there, because He can’t be put in one. The Holy Spirit blows where He pleases and not according to where we want Him to blow. What if God was waiting for you to hear what you’d never known before, what if the Holy Spirit, who has too often been shelved, disregarded and silenced, is the new thing He’s been waiting to speak.
Worthy of love
What if, what if God really did want us to celebrate ourselves? What if He called us righteous and lovely, because He wanted us to see it in ourselves too? To celebrate rather than deny, and offer up rather than shy away. What if, by celebrating our gifting and who we are, we actually brought glory to the one who placed it within us.
The mouth speaks
From formless earth dark and void, God spoke, and light burst forth. Blind eyes spoken to gained sight and a fig tree cursed, withered. Demons fled at the Son of God’s rebuke, and a storm was stilled with the command for the raging waves to be silenced. It was neither smart thinking nor cunning that got Jesus out from the wilderness but the declaration of who He was as the Son of God.
Deeper still
The more we risk, the more we realise how much more there is to give. The more we are pushed to count the cost less, and surrender more of who we are. It’s the yieldedness of the ‘yes’ that is so precious to Him. ‘Yes I will go, Lord’ ‘Yes, Lord, send me’. ‘Yes Lord, What more can I give’.
The necessity of seasons
I must worship though I feel nothing, rejoice though my spirit feels barren and thank Him for the very things I do not see. My feelings do not determine the reality of God. Because while our feelings change, He doesn’t. It is a beautiful offering- the heart that chooses to praise though it feels so desolate.
Abba's Child
Your Daddy is standing in a swimming pool, a little bit out from the edge. You are, let’s say, three years old and standing on the edge of the pool. Your Daddy holds out his arms to you and says, “Jump, I’l catch you. I promise. Now, how do you make your daddy look good in that moment? Answer, trust him and jump. - John Piper
Bide the danger
Make your choice, adventurous Stranger,
Strike the bell and bide the danger
Or wonder, till it drives you mad,
What would have followed if you had.
C.S Lewis
It grows perhaps the greater
The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater.” J.R.R Tolkein
Do what makes you soar
Many people are waiting for the permission to climb higher and jump higher. You don’t need permission. Jesus living inside of you contains all that is necessary to eradicate the apathy and the normalcy.
What can man do to me?
What can anyone do when you are fearless? When you cannot be made to fit in preconcieved boxes, even people who want to think of you as an enemy will not know what to do with you. But you can be truly fearless only when you are in love- when you are immersed and yielded to the point that you do not care about the cost. If you are always in the river, always in love, and always ready to pay any price, it doesn’t matter what the world does to you. In the secret place you do not fear being shot at or being killed. Jesus has become utterly real to you. If you die, you go to heaven.’
Love stains
‘Why does evangelism sometimes feel like selling vacuums door to door? Here is why: many of us have been trained to use a bag of tools and methods to share the gospel. More often than not, those methods become the focus instead of Jesus. When that happens, we can end up selling and manipulating instead of serving and sharing Father’s gift of salvation and love.’ Bob Johnson
The God I never knew
Without intimacy, we are religious, without action we are just theology. Religion creates a taste in our mouth that cannot be satisfied. But Jesus! He alone can satisfy. God doesn’t want fan boys and girls or a number on a tally chart, He’s asking for people who will be in Covenant with Him.
Rend the heavens
It’s time to let the spirit reclaim lost ground, to let Him invade the area He has wanted all along. To understand that Holy Sprit is not here to tickle us but to transform. It’s time to become a culture bearing the ‘miraculous signs’ of a God of the miraculous, unwilling to settle for the natural when we serve a God of the supernatural.